Government Administration - Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland
Business France est l'agence nationale au service de l'internationalisation de l'économie française. Elle est chargée du développement international des entreprises et de leurs exportations, ainsi que de la prospection et de l'accueil des investissements internationaux en France. Elle promeut l'attractivité et l'image économique de la France, de ses entreprises et de ses territoires. Elle gère et développe le V.I.E (Volontariat International en Entreprise). Business France dispose de 1 500 collaborateurs situés en France et dans 70 pays. En Irlande, Business France dispose d'un bureau à Dublin où 6 collaborateurs vous accompagnent sur tout le territoire en fonction de vos besoins. Contacts:Directrice Pays / Country Director : Isabelle CharmeilPôle Agrotech / Agribusiness :: Alessandro Cuccuru – Mathilde PoutrelPôle Art de Vivre Santé / Consumer Goods and Lifesciences : Vimla Hunt Pôle Tech & Services / Tech & Services: Pauline Tapie Pôle Industries & Cleantech / Industries & Cleantech : Christine Deniel-SpicerBusiness France is the national agency supporting the international development of the French economy, responsible for fostering export growth by French businesses, as well as promoting and facilitating international investment in France. It promotes France's companies, business image and nationwide attractiveness as an investment location, and also runs the V.I.E international internship program. Business France was founded on January 1st, 2015 through a merger between Ubifrance and the Invest in France Agency. With its 1500 collaborators and 85 agencies in 70 different countries, Business France can offer a comprehensive range of services to fulfil its mission:- Helping companies in France expand abroad by boosting their exports; - Providing customised support to foreign investors; - Promoting the business attractiveness of France, its companies and its regions. Twitter Irlande : @BF_Ireland