Internet - Bengaluru, Karnataka, India is in the business of connecting consumers on mobile or web and nearby restaurants realtime enabling realtime booking and click to call and offer downloads and redemptions. services over 20,000+ restaurants in 42 cities in India with average price per cover above Rs.200. BYT has aggregated a vast reach by enabling dynamic restaurant content and Book/click2call/coupon widgets with most leading search engine, directory listing, content & review sites, mobile OEMS, IM apps, telecom operators, banks and map content providers. BYT+ is also powering dining offers, experiences and lifestyle privileges for several b2b partners in 30+ cities in India. We do the largest number of offers in dining segment today.Our consumers ( b2b/b2c) get to discover POI's around them (on Mobile internet or dedicated concierge (0)76767-76767) based on dynamic content and then book, order, redeem an offer/coupon or seek a reverse auction. Consumers benefit from enhanced convenience, experience/recognition and cost saving. We also track the number of times a customer did visit a specific restaurant, preferences and the spend etc.. and this information is available with the reservation.Our restaurant partners merchant end the platform enables dynamic update of content, daily message board, hyper target (location, profile, context) push spot offer depending on daily P&L situation, privilege coupons to engage existing base, digital guest diary to capture guest data and active CRM with active passive dashboard, customer preferences, spends, occasions etc..loyalty management including dedicated mobile application, active feedback, referral system and business analytics system. Merchants benefit from better ROI on customer acquisition, engagement and retention.