Computer Hardware - N/A, N/A, DK
DANSKC-cure arbejder med de primære sikkerhedsløsninger i markedet, men altid uvildigt og uafhængigt af producenterne. Vi leverer desuden rådgivning, security awareness og compliance løsninger- for optimal balancering af sikkerhedskultur, compliance og beskyttelse. Vi sikrer saglige anbefalinger ud fra sikkerhed, økonomi, funktionalitet, brugervenlighed og producenters supportkvalitet,SLA m.m. Vi tilbyder konsulentassistance og løsninger indenfor bl.a. Security Assessments, Risiko vurdering, Change Management, Incident response, Beredskabsplanlægning, Security Awareness og forandringsledelse i IT Projekter.Som rådgivere i henholdsvis IT Brancheforeningens og DI Digital's Sikkerhedsudvalg, der F.eks. rådgiver den Danske Regering og EU Kommissionen, har vi i mange år arbejdet med bl.a. GDPR og hjælper virksomheder til teknisk efterlevelse af lovgivning og IT standarder. Se mere på og www.securityawarenessportal.dkENGLISHC-cure works with the primary security solutions in the market, but always impartial and independent of the manufacturers. We also provide consultancy, security awareness and compliance solutions for optimal balancing of security culture, compliance and protection. We ensure factual recommendations based on security, economy, functionality, ease of use and manufacturers' support quality, SLA and more.We offer consultancy assistance and solutions within Security Assessments, Risk Assessment, Change Management, Incident Response, Contingency Planning, Security Awareness and Change Management in IT Projects.As respectively advisor to the IT Industry Association and DI Digital's Security Committee, C-cure advises the Danish Government and the EU Commission, we have for many years worked with GDPR and assists companies in technical compliance with legislation and IT standards.Find more info at
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