Mechanical or Industrial Engineering - Temecula, California, United States
Cacejen Vacuum provides the vacuum technology world with high quality vacuum components, valves, instrumentation, and pumps. Cacejen also maintains the capability to reverse manufacture any specific subassembly to meet your unique vacuum requirements.The products offered are engineered at our manufacturing facility in Shanghai. Currently we provide ISO, KF, and CF fittings; bellows, clamps, valves, gaskets, flanges and a full line of rotary vane vacuum pumps which range from 3.5 - 230 CFM. All specialty sub assembeled fabrication and manifolding is performed in the United States by our partners who prize their capabilities upon superior quality precision and delivery. Cacejen strives to achieve a greater depth of domestic business through a responsible degree of ethical and responsible reciprocity, one where customer service is maintained as superior. Currently Cacejen is looking to locate a solid network of distributors and sales representatives to cover the diverse global manufacturing markets of the United States. Q. Where does the name come from? A. Three ladies... CA- Caitlin (owner), CE- Cecilia (owners daughter), JEN- Jenny (owners niece) = CACEJENCacejen Vacuum Inc. is a woman owned, small business. Cacejen Vacuum, Inc...supplying a world under pressure.
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