Telecommunications - , ,
Calls Direct is your "one stop shop" for all your telecommunication needs, whether your an individual who simply needs a home phone line to a multi-national with a diverse range of communication requirements Calls Direct can personally tailor a package to suit. Regardless of how big or small you are or whether you spend a little or a lot you will be provided with your very own Account Manager to handle all of your communication needs. Our unique billing system and business model along with access to Australia's leading telecommunications infrastructure allows Calls Direct to quickly and efficiently tailor a communication package to suit, your Account Manager will not only be there to assist the initial transition but you will have their direct number so they will always be available to answer any question you may have regarding your Calls Direct experience, imagine that no more 20 minute on hold phone calls to speak with somebody on the other side of the world who has no idea about your current communication setup. On top of that they will also regularly review your account every 6 months to ensure that you're still getting the best deal in the market place. When you do business with Calls Direct you will soon start to see that with our "trade pricing" which we offer all our customers what we say in our logo is true "Talk IS Cheap"!