Marketing & Advertising - Chicago, Illinois, United States
🤯 306 billion emails are sent to 4.3 billion email users daily. Daily.🧐 0 algorithms decide what people see in their inboxes besides spam filters.Email is alive. So much so that it's the preferred method of communication for most consumers of any age. All around, you see rising acquisition costs, shorter organic reach, and seemingly endless competition for your customer's attention.Picture this: You spend $100 to acquire a new customer. They pay $30, which gives you a .3 ROAS. They get a thank you, get put into a generic email program, and never pay again. You move on to the next, trying to reduce the acquisition cost.Or picture this: You spend $100 to acquire a new customer. They pay $30 and get a thank you message with a product recommendation. They spend another $20 and get a referral request with a discount. They send it out to 5 people, and two spend $25. In 60 days, they get a nudge about a similar product they'd enjoy. They spend another $45.So on and so forth.You spent $100 to acquire three customers, and their lifetime value will go on to 3x, 4x, or 5x your costs. Now, this isn't a guarantee, but that's what my clients accomplish with their email and SMS marketing programs.Does the first scene look like you? Maybe not exactly, but can you see your revenue walking out the door with that lost customer?The truth is acquisition and retention work together. You can't have one without the other. The other truth is that you don't own your acquisition channels. You rent them.At any moment, an algorithm change can drain your traffic to zero. Your accounts can be banned or blocked for any reason social media platforms see fit. These platforms are pay-to-play, and they imagine up new ways to charge you daily. What every brand needs is an Owned Audience. A list of engaged email addresses and phone numbers that they can speak to directly.That's what we do at Campaign Cats.
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