College/University - Weston, MA, US
campusTVs rents high-definition televisions to college students at a fraction of what it would cost to purchase from the local department store.We make it easy for up to eight roommates to share the cost online. Our Campus CEO and campus team delivery TVs to your room, set it up, and program the remote. At the end of the year, we pick up the TV so you don't have to deal with any of those hassles, either. Students come to college today with more "stuff" than ever before. The car is packed with clothes, mini-fridges, sound systems, laptops and much more. campusTVs makes this process a little easier by providing one of the largest and most fragile amenities: the television.Renting a high definition television from campusTVs is affordable and convenient. With an HDMI cable, students ca connect their laptops to the TV to make streaming videos, practicing a presentation, or editing a video project super easy.