Mining & Metals - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Greg Eisnor, General Sales Manager, advises that they distribute iron pipe for potable, forcemain and gravity sewers only. They do not have material available to gas industry specifications (TEST, March 10, 1985). PRODUCT/COMPANY INFORMATION The Canada Pipe Company ULC pipe located in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, was built in the early 1960`s by Stanton and Staveley, a large ductile iron pipe manufacturer from England. In 1985, Canron Inc., purchased the facilities and consolidated all their ductile iron pipe operations in Hamilton, Ontario. Canron had begun to produce iron pipe in the 1890's in Trois Rivieres, Quebec. Canron owned and operated three ductile iron pipe plants in Canada prior to acquiring the Stanton plant and consolidating in Hamilton, Ontario. Canron has been exporting pipe to over thirty (30) countries for the past 50 years. In 1989 the Canron ductile iron pipe business was acquired by McWane, Inc., of Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.A. and Canada Pipe Company Ltd., was formed as a wholly-owned subsidiary. The relationship with McWane has given Canada Pipe a huge gain in both technical and financial.