Canadian Air and Space Conservancy (formerly Canadian Air and Space Museum)

Museums & Institutions - Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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About UsThe Canadian Air and Space Conservancy (Canadian Air and Space Museum), formerly the Toronto Aerospace Museum, is a Registered Non-Profit Organization, Charity Registration Number BN87605 3968 RR0001, dedicated to establishing an exciting new air and space attraction at Edenvale, Ontario. Founded in 1997, the Museum is supported by more than 3000 members, volunteers and donors.The Museum celebrates the aerospace accomplishments of Canadians, and the long association of Canada with aeronautical innovation, aircraft manufacturing, military aviation, air transport and the pure joy of flight. Between 1997 and 2012, the Museum was open to the public at the historic de Havilland Aircraft of Canada Limited aircraft factory within Downsview Park next to Bombardier Aerospace's 157,935 square-metre aircraft factory in Toronto.Over 13 years at Downsview, the Museum hosted hundreds of thousands of visitors including more than 100,000 students enrolled in many of the greater Toronto area's 2,000 educational institutions.While the Museum prides itself on telling the distinctly Canadian stories of aerospace science and technology, it equally tells the stories of the people connected to these innovations. In doing so, the museum is not only chronicling their achievements, it is honouring these larger-than-life pioneers.Major projects have included the construction of a full-scale museum-quality replica of the famous Avro Arrow supersonic interceptor of the late 1950s and the restoration of the City of Toronto's rare Avro Lancaster Mk X four engine bomber "FM104", both of which were originally built at what is now Lester B. Pearson International Airport. The museum currently operates from an office at Lester B. Pearson International Airport. The collection of aircraft and artifacts are currently stored at the Edenvale Airport, awaiting construction of a new facility.

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Employees: 7
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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