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CANNERGROW WE GROW FOR YOUCannergrow is a project founded by Cannerald which combines professional cultivation with an easy to use Customer-End-Web interface.We offer the first and so far, onlyPlant-Growing-Service in the entire Cannabis industry.PLANT SALEWe offer this service to our customers whodecide to buy a plant over our plant sale.Every digital sold plant will represent aphysical plant in our Growroom‘s. The plants get harvested every 2 – 3 month and you don‘t need to worry about anything as our experts do their job. You will get full control over the harvest. We either ship you your harvested cannabis, or you can sell it and have significant revenue.Operational costs will be subtracted from the yield and split in 50% to the company and 50% to the customer.AFFILATE PROGRAMGiven your satisfaction with Cannergrow, we offer a non-binding possibility to earnadditional income by referring to our products.We provide an Unilevel Compensation Plan, which is paying you up to 20% of your partner‘s Plants within your first seven levels.Furthermore, we offer you a Residual Income Bonus, which is paying you up to 20% bonus within your first seven levels and allows you to build a passive income.Now you have the chance to participatefrom this Billion Dollar market.