Government Administration - Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Presently, the Cantonment is governed by the Cantonments Act, 2006 and various Policy letters and Instructions of the Govt. of India, (Ministry of Defence) issued from time to time. Though the Board functions as a local self -govt, yet it is under the administrative control of Director General, Defence Estates (Min of Defence ) at New Delhi and Principal Director, Defence Estates, Central Command, Lucknow. The GOC-in-C, Central Command functions as the local Govt for all purposes. The Cantonment Board consists of 16 Members headed by the President Cantonment Board, who is also the Station Commander, and Ex-Officio/Nominated Members apart from 8 Members, who are elected for five years by the local residents. The Vice-President is elected from amongst the Elected Members.
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