Management Consulting - Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
CAO Partners Ltd, is an independent research, training and business advisory firm registered in Nigeria. Our main objective is to help small/ growing businesses succeed and become economically relevant by providing access to business education, funding options , and business support services. Essentially we are positioned to be a catalyst that will jumpstart a new era of new generation businesses as we gear up to meet our millennium development goals. Through this effort we will be bringing stability to growing businesses, giving life to laudable ideas, and creating a platform for economic interface between investors and entrepreneurs Our services include capital & debt sourcing, Investment research, fee based business management and advisory, strategy and enterprise development, retirement planning, training and business consulting.. Our firm serves a wide range of clients covering organisations and people in the financial service industry, manufacturing, GREEN Technology, agriculture, real estate, pharmaceuticals, infrastructure, healthcare, FMGS, High Net worth Individuals, cooperatives, governmental organizations, SMEs, early-stage firms and anyone interested in comprehensive business advisory and consulting services.