International Trade & Development - Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
Capacity4dev is the European Commission's online knowledge-sharing platform that connects development professionals, where you can share, learn and collaborate with colleagues and relevant stakeholders. Created in 2009, members include EU staff, as well as development professionals from EU member states, partner governments, civil society, NGOs, international organisations, and the private sector.Created and managed by the Directorate General for International Partnerships (INTPA), Capacity4dev is part of the Methodological Knowledge Sharing programme (MKS) managed by INTPA Unit D4. It aims to improve capacity development through knowledge sharing by:• Facilitating collaboration and engagement among peers• Enabling cross learning among practitioners from EU institutions and other organisations• Supporting thematic expertise, share lessons learnt and exchange innovation• Consolidating knowledge sharing tools and communities of practice in a common environment• Improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of EU development cooperation