Management Consulting - São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil
CAPISTRANO DO AMARAL is a Brazilian consultancy practice, experienced and active in the infrastructure and corporate governance industries in Brazil and Latin America offering the following services:INFRASTRUCTURE:SUPPORT TO BUSINESS PROSPECTINGElaboration and negotiation of partnership agreements (MoUs, NDAs, Term Sheets), project's study and feasibility analysis agreements, support for obtaining licenses and liaison with regulators and administrative agencies.SUPPORT TO PROJECT'S HIRING AND DEVELOPMENTElaboration and negotiation of agreements for the execution of infrastructureprojects (Civil Works, EPC, EPC-M, Turnkey, FIDIC Standards, Project Alliances,Built to Suit, BOT, BOO, etc.) and partnership agreements (consortiums, jointventures and shareholders agreements).SUPPORT TO PROJECT'S EXECUTIONContract and project administration, elaboration and negotiation of claims andcontract amendments.SUPPORT TO PROJECT'S CONCLUSIONTermination of contracts and partnerships, organization of the liability division among the client, contractor and partners after the execution of the Works, obtainment and elaboration of technical certificates and acceptance certificates, negotiation of final claims and organization of pending issues for litigation, management and solutions for out-of-court dispute resolutions.CORPORATE GOVERNANCELEGAL AND COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENTSImplementation and structuring or restructuring of legal and compliance departments(jointly or separately), defining the strategy and elaborating rules and procedures, defining positions and correspondent job descriptions, training and serving as an outsourced legal department.BOARD GOVERNANCEElaboration of rules and procedures, outsourced board secretary and boardsecretary training.Elaboration of preventive or immediate procedures for coordinated managementresponse and damage control, strategy for the formation of task-forces anddecision-making committees.
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