Broadcast Media - , ,
Think in a new media format, such as CD / DVD, which It can be used on any computer with USB. However, this media is a new device that completely prevents any copying, inhibiting Digital Piracy. For Producers (Movies, Music, Games, Software, or books) the CARDFLIX provides total security and also statistical data reading, ownership and access, as well as sending Push Notifications to consumers and other interactive tools. For producing films, with the cessation of piracy, expands the sales curve for longer, also adding a new form of distribution beyond the cinemas. For the Consumer provides portability Internet irrespective to their use. Cause economy with Mobile Data and Fixed. Provides legal ownership of content, the cost of a movie ticket. Besides the possibility of tracking and other functions providing more information than the central content. CARDFLIX is an original creation of Anderson S. Nardi, Brazilian. 2016 - Vitoria, ES - Brazil #CARDFLIX