Career For Save Live Solution Private Limited

Information Technology and Services - Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

Career For Save Live Solution Private Limited Employees
Ikbal Sarkar

state bank of india kiosk banking

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Sumit Kumar

Business Development Manager

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Career For Save Live Solution Private Limited Details

We are in the business of outsourcing the data entry services. We are providing voice and non-voice projects to small scale and large scale companies and also who want to start their own business. We have government data entry project also. We outsource BPO services and give franchise to outsource our form filling project also in all over India. We have many centers in many cities of India. We have calling projects of Inbound and Outbound processes. We have International and Domestic Voice process and Non-voice process. We have survey projects also who want to do field work. To start your own work or to expand your business you have to do some investment then you can generate revenue by earning more. We have less investment and best payouts. There are best Form filling projects and copy paste work also with different investment. There are many projects like data entry project, calling project, survey project and copy paste work etc. We are providing many services like BPO and IT services. We give fully technical support to our clients who take our projects. We give assurance of payment to the clients. We do all the payments of our clients on time. We have our clients in Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Sirsa, Jaipur, Kolkata, Dehradun, Jodhpur, Mumbai, Karnataka etc and we are expanding it in all over India. We give training to the candidates of our client onsite and offsite both. We provide training by Teamviewer and telephonic also. We maintain client relationship if there is any problem regarding work we solve it as soon as possible. We also provide fix payment project to the clients on quality assurance. We understand our client's need and offer them project according to their requirement. We always have new and trustworthy projects from which you can earn more money. We have direct tie-up with the clients and we are not a consultancy. We provide genuine projects and make payments to the clients of their right work

Career For Save Live Solution Private Limited logo, Career For Save Live Solution Private Limited contact details
Employees: 201 - 500
HQ: ["1204323500"]
Location: Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

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