Mental Health Care - East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Carelink was established and funded in 1996 by the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne to coordinate and manage the ongoing care and support to the survivors of sexual and other forms of abuse and their families, perpetrated by clergy and other individuals employed by or under the instruction, sponsorship or subsidy of the Archdiocese of Melbourne.Upon formation of the Melbourne Response, Carelink was established to operate autonomously in the service design and delivery of services offered in the care of the clients who are the survivors, as well as their partners and families.Carelink coordinates and facilitates the services necessary for client healing, recovery and wellbeing by implementing care coordination practices consistent with trauma-informed care. Professional mental health services accessed by clients are exclusively outsourced to qualified and experienced practitioners. Operating within high standards of care coordination, Carelink reviews the progress and outcomes of mental health care provided to clients and that the services provided adequately reflect their dynamic changing needs.