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CareSmart Illinois (CSI) provides educational services to older adults, people with physical and cognitive challenges, and their caregivers... all with the purpose of advancing the ability to care: for others... and for ourselves. CSI offers a variety of educational presentations and training in our home base, Lake and McHenry counties. We're available to present at churches, businesses, libraries... any location where people want to learn more about aging, wellness, and caregiving. CSI also offers a website designed around the resource needs of older adults, people with physical and cognitive challenges, and their caregivers. Starting with a listing of local resources, the site will expand to include state and national resources and learning tools like webinars and videos. CareSmart Illinois is a not-for-profit organization. As such, our purpose is to serve the community. Please contact us to arrange a presentation, make a suggestion, ask questions. We're here to help you provide more meaningful care... to the people you love and to yourself.