Catholic Charities Eastern Washington

Non-Profit - Spokane, WA, US

Catholic Charities Eastern Washington Employees
Leslie Varela

Director, Human Resources

Contact Leslie Varela

Alexi Bolen

Housing Executive Administraive Coordinator

Contact Alexi Bolen

Kathleen Schmidt

PSH Service and Activity Coordinator

Contact Kathleen Schmidt

Marlis Spawn

Managing Director - Finance, Compensation, and Benefit Plans

Contact Marlis Spawn

Russell Bentley

Supported Employment Specialist - Case Manager

Contact Russell Bentley

Glori Houston

Vice President of Property Managment

Contact Glori Houston

Karen Orlando

Coeur dAlene Area - Mission & Strategy Coordinator

Contact Karen Orlando

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Catholic Charities Eastern Washington Senior Management
Marlis Spawn

Managing Director - Finance, Compensation, and Benefit Plans

Contact Marlis Spawn

Rob McCann

Coeur dAlene Area - CEO

Contact Rob McCann

Conor McKenna

Coordinator for Agency-Wide Special Projects and special assistant to CEO

Contact Conor McKenna

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Catholic Charities Eastern Washington Details

Catholic Charities Eastern Washington (CCEW) affirms the dignity of every person, partneringwith parishes and the greater community to serve and advocate for those who are vulnerable,bringing stability and hope to people throughout Eastern Washington.Since 1912, CCEW has provided social services to people of all denominations in the 13 counties ofEastern Washington. More than a century later, CCEW stands as the oldest and largest provider ofsocial services and housing serving the region. Catholic Charities is honored to serve annually morethan 72,000 vulnerable community members in all stages of life.Our core values of respect, compassion, collaboration, and justice guide every decision.Strategically, we act from a deep commitment to our people, our community relationships, andinnovative solutions in programs that respond to crisis, promote stabilization through housing, andadvocate for the vulnerable.CCEW serves as a regional pioneer in programs and resources for those experiencing poverty,homelessness or at-risk for homelessness. Our work has garnered national recognition forsuccessful development and implementation of housing and services that assist and supportvulnerable and at-risk members of our community.Catholic Charities ProgramsCrisis ResponseHouse of Charity is a 24/7 emergency shelter in Spokane providing services to individuals experiencing homelessness. Programs include meals, private public showers, mail, respite care, and outreach services.Rising Strong is a family centered drug treatment program with housing, serving families with children at risk of entry to foster care due to parental struggles with substance abuse.St. Margaret's Shelter is a transitional shelter for families experiencing homelessness that promotes positive life changes in a supportive, short-term housing environment.StabilizationCatholic Housing Communities offers service enriched apartments to low-income seniors, disabled and chronically homeless individuals across eastern Washington.Food for All promotes healthy eating and the local food system.Senior Services/ Volunteer Chore Services provides rides and chore services to low-income elderly and disabled clients that allow them to remain in their own home with dignity and a connection to the community.AdvocacyCatholic Charities Walla Walla provides counseling, emergency assistance, immigration services, and volunteer chore services in and around Walla Walla. Catholic Charities also operates The Hub and The Loft, Walla Walla's support center.Childbirth & Parenting Assistance (CAPA)/PREPARES serves expecting and parenting individuals with children ages newborn to five years of age with parent mentors, The Fatherhood Project, parenting classes and support groups, and diapers and clothing.Counseling offers high quality therapy using evidence based practices to adults and teens insured by Medicaid.Furniture Bank and Furnishings for Hope Retail Store is a non-profit retail store with new, used, and vintage furniture and décor donated by private parties, community friends and corporate partner. All proceeds benefit the work of the Furniture Bank.Immigration Legal Services provides high quality consultations, representation, and assistance to documented and undocumented immigrants of all nationalities, ethnicities, and religions.Parish Social Ministry provides curricula for adult formation in Catholic Social Teachings as well as coordinating opportunities for Catholic's to learn more about their faith. Local liaison for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, Catholic Relief Services and Emergency Assistance.St. Anne's Children and Family Center is a high quality early learning center that offers childcare, experiences, and curriculum for children of all faiths ranging in age from 1 month through 12 years of age.

Catholic Charities Eastern Washington logo, Catholic Charities Eastern Washington contact details
Employees: 250 - 499
Location: Spokane, WA, US
Revenue: 5 - 10 Million
Housing Social Services Senior Services Parenting Assistance Emergency Shelter Emergency Assistance Legal Services Counseling Food Secruity Catholic Social Teaching
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