Religious Institutions - Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
CBMC is a national network of business and professional men who are committed to sharing with others the Gospel message of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Established in 1930 by a small group of businessmen, CBMC has grown to over 18,000 members in 700 teams across the United States. Worldwide, CBMC International is in over 70 countries with over 5000 members. CBMC has been around since 6 men dropped to their knees in Chicago back in 1930 to ask God how they might make it through the Great Depression.A CBMC FORUM consists of five to eight local Christian business owners/executives and one trained moderator who meet monthly to help one another apply God's Word to their business and personal lives exchanging business knowledge, experiences, and godly wisdom with confidentiality. The aim is to assist in equipping business owners and executive managers to be God's representatives in the marketplace.