Machinery - San José de la Rinconada, Andalucía, Spain
Tharsis Technology, S. L. (Huelva, 2010) provides solutions, designs and developments of mechanical and electronic systems needed in scientific instruments and industrial applications. The company got several awards for entrepreneur activities by the Regional Andalusian Autonomous Government, and was granted by the IDEAS business foundation (April 2011) to develop and establish industrial activities related to nuclear technology and particle physics research. One of the main business activities has been the design of high-vacuum chambers and associated equipment for nuclear reaction studies, the construction of complex particle detector systems, as well as beam diagnostic devices for particle accelerators. Innovative materials and technologies (e.g., single crystal diamonds and fast electronics) have been integrated in the final product. A large fraction of the R&D is being developed in collaboration with research groups in nuclear and particle physics from universities and research institutes. Relevant sectors: particle physics, energy, health and aerospace. ---------------------------------------Servicios de ingeniería e I+D+i en proyectos de instrumentación industrial y científica de alta tecnología, adaptados a las necesidades del cliente. Sectores: detectores de partículas y grandes aceleradores, sistemas de alto vacío y criogenia, energía y aeroespacio. Aplicaciones tecnológicas en áreas específicas del sector hospitalario.