Telecommunications - , ,
Celcom Software Solutions Inc. was incorporated in the State of GA, USA on April 10th 2015 as wholly owned subsidiary of Celcom Solutions Ltd., incorporated in England and Wales, UK on November 9th 2010. Celcom Software Solutions brings in lot of experience in Oracle OSS BSS Product development and Consulting as well. Our employees have in the past worked with telcos across the globe and bring in rich experiences in the areas of Telecom, IOT, M2M and Smart City. In today's fast paced and competitive world of business, information technology is at the heart of business transformation. Businesses are looking at solving complex problems through the use of efficient and agile business applications, highly reliable and secure infrastructure, and all of this at a reduced operating cost year on year. This is where Celcom Software Solutions steps in with Convergent Billing and Rating Automation (COBRA) Project to help the Communication Service Providers cater faster and more seamlessly to these demands; Drawing on our expertise and in-depth knowledge of telecom, we are creating a OSS BSS Suite called Unified Billing System (UBS) to make it easier for the Communication Service Providers to stay that crucial step ahead. UBS addresses the need to launch innovative offerings and effectively manages end-to-end lifecycle of Customer Account and Products from inception to archive. Integrating easily into the Service providers existing IT infrastructure, it creates a whole that's greater than the sum of its parts. Key Features of this Product are: AccuBill CRM - Full Service Customer and Billing Management CRM Enterprise Service Bus - Order Management Framework Accelerer - Operations Management Framework Convergent Charging – Oracles' 100% Real-Time Rating Engine