Leisure, Travel & Tourism - Marina del Rey, California, United States
"Discover Where Your Fave Celebs Hang Out" Who Are We? « A curator of celebrity visited hot spots (places) and celebrity sightings, purveyor of all things pop-culture, & publisher of celebhotspots.com web platform and celebrity oriented city guides « A strong advocate of positive, fun approach to spotting celebrities, staying up on the hottest new places and enduring classics, capturing latest trends along with retro, old school favorites from past decades « A proud supporter of charitable celebrities by highlighting the causes they support and celebrity-related charity eventsAbout Celebrity HotSpots Website« Who's been seen where, not who's behaving badly – sightings vs. gossip, location-based« New spottings (approx 100/day) & engaging content added daily: celebrities, hotspots (places, hangouts, locations), pop culture photos, charitable celebs and all the latest happenings« One-of-a-kind, searchable proprietary database makes it easy to search 100,000+ celebrity spottings by celebrity (15,000+) or hotspot (3700+); view who has been spotted where, total number of spottings, date spotted and what was occurring at each spottingFEATURED CONTENT« Searchable, Proprietary Database« Celebrities« Hotspots« Photos: Celebs, Hotspots, Sightings, Pop Culture« Charitable Celebs « Blog & NewsSpotting celebs and selecting cool places to visit during vacations, daily life, or special occasions has never been easier…