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The Centre for Population Research and Development (cepred) is a non-profit organization formed in January 2011, to contribute rigorously to research and development in Nigeria as a means of addressing the numerous developmental challenges in Nigeria. The emergence of new diseases albeit poor health delivery systems with worsening environmental circumstances exposes the grave importance of the need for enhanced efforts at improvements to our systems to promote development amongst human populations; this emphasizes also, the need for continuous research to support improvements in Population Health and other areas that are in urgent need of development. Though research has been ongoing in different areas of human and population development, robust research has been limited to the developed countries and a few developing countries fewer of them in Africa. This is mainly due to the poor documentation culture which impeded learning. Varying contexts in different countries and cultures require that research and development initiatives be localized to identify factors related to particular populations with a view to addressing the needs specifically and not empirically. The availability of improved communication systems and networks allow enhanced international collaboration which creates the opportunity for more fruitful partnerships with international bodies, agencies and institutions which expands the scope of our mission.