Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS)

Higher Education - Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS) Details

The Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS), is a specialized, high technology training centre of the Annapolis Valley Campus of the Nova Scotia Community College with buildings located in the neighbouring towns of Lawrencetown and Middleton, Nova Scotia, Canada. Its purpose is to train technicians and technologists in various Geomatics and Information Technology disciplines. Programs are from one to three years' duration and are extremely intensive. Entry programs currently offered: Cartography: Digital Mapping technology, Planning: Land Information Technology, Computer Programming Technician, Survey Technician, Business Information Technology, Applied Communication Arts, Office Information Technology. Advanced entry programs include: Geomatics Engineering Technology, Business Administration, Graphic Design, Computer Programmer/Analyst. Post-degree programs include: Computer Programming-Advanced, Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, Integrated Studies in GIS/RS, Business Geographics, and Marine Geomatics. COGS is the longest established component of the Nova Scotia Community College. It has an excellent reputation as indicated by the number of employers from Canada and the US who repeatedly return to hire graduates. COGS recently celebrated its 52nd year as a specialized training institution, the only one of its kind in Canada. The institution prides itself on being in the forefront of Geomatics sector training and education since its inception. COGS offers a small and integrated training environment with approximately 400 students and 30 instructors in full time programs. There are also additional students and instructional staff for the part time programs it offers. Training is highly intensive, demanding, and maintains high standards. Transfer credit arrangements have been established with Acadia University, St. Francis Xavier University, University of New Brunswick, University of Calgary, the University of Maine, the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design and Memorial University of Newfoundland at both graduate and undergraduate level. EXTENSION SERVICES FOR INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS Extension Services is a division of the Centre. It is a leader in customized professional and technical training, providing key theoretical training through programs in close partnership with local business and industry and is aspiring to offer these services on an international level. The focus of customized training is working in partnership with professional training consultants to develop programs which meet the unique needs of business and the workforce. Customized training programs can be offered anywhere, for example: on campus, at the workplace, at an independent location (host country) or through teleconferencing. These programs can be scheduled during work hours or on evenings and weekends. The Centre can: -Customize training to highly specific, market driven needs -Provide flexible, reliable, and cost effective solutions -Demonstrate a track record of superior quality and expertise We can assess the specific needs of clients and provide a customized solution to meet the requirements of these clients.

Employees: 2
Location: Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia, Canada

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