Financial Services - Wichita, Kansas, United States
This business is closed as of Aug. 30, 2018. Please contact us at the email address below for any questions. \\EMAIL:\\WE WORK WITH: Any business small or large (bank's credit departments included), agricultural and non-agricultural, farm or ranching production operations to primarily help you address financial and/or credit issues you may be having. \\WHAT WE DO: 1) Immediately identify and address the financial or credit issues you are having and begin to resolve them; 2) We help you understand what your existing financial performance says about your business as others look at it; 3) We will make recommendations or actually work with you to implement changes to both resolve and improve your financial the financial performance of your business; 4) We want you to be able to PROACTIVELY manage the financial performance of your business as you manage your business day-to-day. \\HOW DO WE DO THIS: We come in to your business, on a contract basis (i.e. meaning no employer share of employee costs, no workmen's compensation costs, no benefits cost to the employer) and function as a financial professional for your business, farm or ranch. We can fulfill (on a temporary basis up to whatever time frame you desire) positions such as: Chief Financial Officer, V.P. of Finance, Financial Controller, Financial Analyst, Credit Analyst, Credit Underwriter, Agricultural Marketing/Price Risk Management/Financial Manager. Regarding analysis work done for financial institutions.....we can sign a confidentiality statement and forfeit back to you, any and all information used by us, to complete contracted work or fulfill your request.\\