Furniture - Chicago, Illinois, United States
Project Management • CGH's comprehensive project review is designed to prevent all issues before manufacturing.Quality Control • CG Hospitality's robust quality control system manages everything from ordering of material through packaging, to its entry into the building.Value Engineering • CGH will deconstruct each furniture piece to find ways to reduce the cost, while keeping the intended aesthetics.Domestic Line • CGH'S Midwest Based Domestic Factory, provides the ultimate quality and flexibility that many higher end projects require. Benefits Include:• Removes Warehousing Costs – We deliver direct to the project as needed• Removes Double Handling Costs – No need for the product to be movedin and out of any warehouse• Removes Double Handling Damage – Much of the damage to piecesoccurs in the moving in and out of the warehouses• Reduced Waste Removal Cost – we blanket wrap our pieces in thedelivery truck. • Environmentally Friendly Finish – our custom finishes can gain LEEDpoints with low VOC's, zero hazardous solvents, no ozone depletingsolvents, and coconut oil resin system.• Finish that Better Protects – our custom finishes have a higher build upthat will provide superior chemical resistance to water and acidic productsthat can damage wood products.Overseas Line •CGH'S Overseas Factory is designed to create a failsafe for overseas ordering by combining the overseas factory operation with our domestic factory, to ensure that there is a domestic solution to ensure delivery schedules. Benefits Include:• Price point that is cost effective• Multi-layered approach to Quality Control with CGH representatives at thefactory, and the Chicago team making regular visits during production.• CG project management and craftsman experts provide oversight overthe process and production.• Access to less common materials, such as resin, or decorative glass.• Overseas factory with over 40 years experience in the Asian hotel furniture market.
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