Marketing & Advertising - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
SECRET TO OUR SUCCESS: We're honest, normal, fun to be around people, who like to work with other honest, normal, fun to be around people. It's REVOLUTIONARY! Taking the Ad World by storm!WHAT IT IS?A collective built on relationships that foster the highest level of STRATEGY, CREATIVITY & IMPACT.STRATEGYCommunications... marketing... what do these words really mean? True communication is only impactful when the context is clear. How will a consumer respond to a commercial? A print ad? To packaging? An in-store or experiential campaign?CREATIVITYThe best strategy, most beautiful creative, and flawless execution still doesn't mean anything unless it moves people to engage. That's where the real magic happens. That's what we live for. How do people consume it? How does it change and evolve once they do?IMPACTAt Chalkboard, we live for the moment when living, breathing individuals consume beautifully executed creative. The moment where a brand's lifeforce is revealed and understood.
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