Accounting - , Hlavní město Praha, Czechia
The Chamber of Certified Accountants (KCÚ) is a professional organization associating "professional accountants" - graduates of the system of certification and education of accountants in the Czech Republic or a similar foreign system and hold a professional certificate. KCÚ has become a very important representative of the accounting profession in the Czech Republic, it is a partner of related professional organizations - the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic and the Chamber of Tax Advisers of the Czech Republic. He is a member of the Association of Accountants of the Czech Republic and the Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Self-Employed Persons of the Czech Republic (AMSP CR). He enters into negotiations with representatives of public administration, has representatives in the National Accounting Council and in the methodological councils of the Association of Accountants of the Czech Republic. In terms of the qualification level of its members and supervision of the level of their work, the KCÚ is fully comparable with similar professional organizations in the Czech Republic and in the world (eg ACCA, ICAEW). We strive to contribute to the further development and increase of the level and prestige of the accounting profession. We issue a code of ethics and other standards governing the activities of professional accountants and oversee their implementation. We provide a system of continuous professional education (KPV), we provide our members with an extensive professional, educational, ethical and other services. We are developing a network of accounting offices of the Chamber of Certified Accountants:
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