- Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Who We Are:Chambers of Rosita Fernandes, Advocates (CRF), is recognized as one of the region's most trusted and respected law firms. The CRF Team is comprised of individual advocates, administration and staff members who combine their unique strengths to deliver quality legal services to the client. Led and mentored by Rosita Fernandes, CRF's interdisciplinary practice group is composed of insightful and resourceful advocates who work with leading clients across all sectors, providing a cross-practice spectrum of quality legal services. Disclaimer:This social media page was set up with the intention sharing relevant and educational articles and posts and should not be construed as an attempt on part of CRF to advertise it's services or solicit work. This page is merely an attempt to provide relevant generic legal information as part of our larger goal to educate individuals and companies on the law as a whole.
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