Management Consulting - Sacramento, California, United States
About Us:Change Aim was created to take change management concepts to the next level. Organizations stay motivated and engaged as the culture shifts and grows.Our mantra, "Hit Your Mark", conveys an individual can support leadership development from wherever planted within an organization.The main challenges to effective change management require exposing fear, anger, and shame. It takes authenticity to conquer such emotions. Organizations are environments which bring forth these emotions, whether knowingly or not, and negative emotions can only seek to exploit otherwise rational people.What is so hard about changing direction, if things seemed to be going off the original target? Nothing. There is nothing misguided about shifting aim to remain aligned with a goal. =======Our Mission:To give peace of mind surrounding organizational transformation. To help individuals and organizations heal and grow through the formation of collaborative alliances, one consultation at a time.Our Vision:Change Aim guides sustainable economies by empowering human capital within existing and aspiring organizations; where innovation and growth are not stifled by maintaining the status quo.Your organization will stay motivated, engaged and involved! We will sharpen you or your organization to "Hit Your Mark".