Apparel & Fashion - Malaga, Andalusia, ES
El grupo cuenta con más de 30 años de experiencia en el sector de la moda infantil gracias a la comercialización de ropa de calidad y a la verticalidad en la distribución de sus marcas CHARANGA y TOP TOP. Esta filosofía de trabajo le permite contar con más de 200 tiendas y posicionarse en el mercado nacional e internacional como una empresa de referencia. Con una cultura de crecimiento orientada a poner en valor el concepto de tienda, Charanga se ha convertido en firma de garantía para todo tipo de clientes que cada día apuestan por los productos de ambas marcas. Si estás interesado en conocer mejor nuestro sistema de franquicia, visita nuestras páginas web: ❂ ✉ The group was born in 1991 with the launch of the CHARANGA brand to consolidate its position in the children’s fashion sector, basing the project on the quality of the clothes and the verticality of distribution. In 2012 a second Brand, TOP TOP, is created as an answer to the market’s needs. The company offers its products exclusively through its own shops and franchises as well as shop-in-shops or corners. This strategy has allowed the group to increase its presence on the Spanish market as well as to consolidate its position as a recognized player in the international children’s wear industry with more than 200 shops. If you form part of a company or group of companies with a retail structure and experience in the implementation of new brands, we invite you to contact us for further information under: ✉ DETALLES DE LA EMPRESA | COMPANY DETAILS ☏ +34 952 24 74 10
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