Civic & Social Organization - San Lorenzo, California, United States
Our General (Public) Meeting takes place on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm. We are meeting at Cherryland Elementary School, while school is in session, .on October 9, November 13, and December 11, 2018; and January 8, February 12, March 12, April 9 and May 14, 2019.We will resume meeting at the Carriage House at Meek Estate on June 11, 2019 until our new Community Center is complete and open.Meeting Schedule:6:30pm – Call to order, introductions, reports from entities such as ACSO and Code Enforcement7:00pm – Main Presenter(s) – varies by month – see our Facebook page or our monthly newsletter for more details9:00pm – Adjourn (usually earlier, though)The Cherryland Community Association (CCA), a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization established in March 1992, is composed of volunteer Cherryland residents that hold monthly meetings to discuss issues within the community. The CCA reports these issues directly to and works in conjunction with the Alameda County public agencies as well as the County Supervisor that governs the area. By joining local agencies, churches and government in our unincorporated area of Alameda County, the Cherryland Community Association seeks to advocate for and organize activities to improve stability and safety at home, school and work, and to maintain the value and beauty of our homes and gardens.ACCOMPLISHMENTS* The new Alameda County Fire Station #23 on Meekland Avenue* The Cherryland Community Center on Hampton Road (opening 3rd Quarter 2019)* The creation of sidewalks to school and new streetscapes for Hampton Road, Willow Avenue, Princeton Street, Sunset Avenue, and Western Blvd.* The planting of trees along Blossom Way and Western Blvd.* Creation of a COPP (Community-Oriented Policing) Shop* Gateway sign at Hampton Road and Mission Blvd.* Annual Easter Egg-stravaganza at Meek Estate* Yearly Community Events such as National Night Out, Eden Area Chamber of Commerce Mixers and BBQs* Bi-Annual Neighborhood Clean-Ups* Establishment of BlightBusters, dedicated to eliminating blight in Cherryland
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