Public Safety - Toronto, ON, ca
The Childcare Resource and Research Unit is a policy research institute with a goal of early childhood education and child care for all -- fundamental for women's equality and a right for all children.The Childcare Resource and Research Unit was established to:- provide public education, resources and consultation on ECEC policy and research;- foster and support research in various fields focusing on ECEC;- carry out relevant research projects and publish the results;- support, promote and provide communication on ECEC policy and research.CRRU plays an integral role in the policy development process by:- anticipating the need for information resources on particular ECEC issues;- collecting, organizing, packaging and disseminating ECEC information resources;- keeping up-to-date on new information and developments related to programs, research and policy in the ECEC field;- facilitating communication among people involved in ECEC;- providing interpretations of research and policy materials in a form useful for people with an interest in ECEC in Canada;- undertaking research and evaluation as well as supporting and consulting with others involved in these activities.
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