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哈佛大学设计学院成立于1936年,是哈佛大学11个研究生院之一;涵盖城市规划与设计,建筑,景观,房地产等多个学科,是目前世界顶尖的建筑及城市规划学院。哈佛大学设计学院中国学生学者联合会创建于2000年,是哈佛大学设计学院唯一认可的中国学生组织。ChinaGSD旨在团结设计学院的中国学生学者,共同促进哈佛大学设计学院与中国城市建筑景观领域间的交流,为相互间的了解合作起到桥梁作用。Graduate School of Design(GSD) is one of the eleven graduate schools of Harvard University. Founded in 1936, GSD is now one of the top schools for architecture, landscape and urban planning. GSD Chinese Students and Scholars Association (ChinaGSD) is the only official Chinese student group at GSD. It is established and organized by Chinese students, aiming to unite Chinese students and scholars and promote the interaction between different design disciplines in GSD as well as the design and urbanism issues in China.
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