Financial Services - Woodstock, Ontario, Canada
90% of businesses are reactive in their accounting and the financial health of their company. We are here to change that! We offer "in-the-cloud" and "Boutique type" Bookkeeping, Accounting and CFO Services. Unlike other bookkeeping and accounting companies who just give you your information what's happening, we help business owners to actually understand and know their numbers.We provide done for you and done with you services. This is where we go over in detail, your cash flow, budget and financials with you and explain to you and answer all your questions so you understand.We I sit down with you over screen share on zoom and layout for you:A) What is actually happening in your company with your numbers and explain to you what those numbers mean.B) What could or should be happening, as opposed to just telling you what is happening and leaving it there.C) What we can or should create as the best case scenario for you and your company. By actually planning all of this out for you and with you, we are saving you lots of money and identifying where you and your company are wasting money as well as, what is a much better plan of action for increased cash flow and profitability! We do this all with your input, approval and understanding.In many case scenarios I've helped companies to double their profits in less than thirty days.This provides the business owner with the confidence and peace-of-mind of not only knowing what is happening right now but also being able to properly plan for the future and being proactive and not reactive.Find out how you could possibly Double Your Company Profits in less than 30 days! Contact me today! or my cell 519-535-8196.