Medical Devices - Malmö, Skane County, Sweden
Our Primary Mission:"Our ambition is to create a set of technologies that will simplify medcial diagnoses at early stages by analysis of exhaled air and thereby reduce pain and suffering and to save lives..."Our solutions are based on 30 years of R&D combined with the latest technologies. We aim to have validated instrumentation with very simple user interface and a system that is affordable to a broad group of users. We believe medical care in the future will comprise a breath test as replacement for, or in any case a supplement to traditional blood and urine tests. Thousands of chemical substances emanating from the metabolic processes of the body are direct biomarkers to various diseases. Detecting chemical substances and comparing them with a substance database can provide an indication of diseases within down to 15 minutes. Smell in the breath has been a well known indicator for diseases for thousands of years described already by Hippocrates. Linus Pauling who was awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1954 and published in 1971 research about findings of 200 VOC´s, Volatile Organic Compounds in exhaled air. Throughout the years there has been added a number of about 3500 chemical substances out of which six listed by FDA as biomarkers related to specific diseases.The number of significant biomarkers per disease in general is about up to 4-6. Each individual person has a chemical signature of about 150-250 VOC´s Presently there are more than 2000 publications about VOC´s in exhaled air. The Chromalytica logo above is the absorption spectrum of toluene, a VOC, one of the strong biomarkers of lung cancer. The spectrum is recorded by a Chromalytica instrument. And now we put it into one easy to use instrument!
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