Food & Beverages - Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
Commercial food cannot replicate the life-force present in locally produced person to person food.We stand for this significance and aim to preserve the sovereign nature of nutrition. Chyve's use of modern tech is paving the way with a leading platform for food artisans to build on legitimately, respectably & affordably.Our Mission:We are committed to help awaken and strengthen the relationship between people and their food sources.Specifically focusing on seasonal and regional aspects of sustainable culinary art via your locals Artisans home meal delivery, meal-prep, & catering services.The cornerstones of our movement are to: Birth a creative new market for community chefs, farmers & couriers. Develop robust small chain food systems that can survive changing times. Source and plan our menus around area farms and providers by at least 75%. Assist to route affordable and nutritious local food to hungry American homes."I believe in the importance of creating our own grass-rooted food chains as a pivotal piece in preserving and maintaining our nations resilience during times of global economic strain. In the worst of scenarios 'small-chain food systems' can be our lifeline should we face surges in the global-food distribution supply lines, like those we witnessed and are still seeing the impact of during the Co-Vid19 pandemic.We can leave it better than we found it. Free the food, free the people." - -Samuel Trezzo Founder of Chyve
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