Agriculture - , São Paulo, Brazil
CiaCamp is a startup whose mission is to bring to the producer the knowledge generated in scientific research and evaluate the efficiency of NACsolution and NACagri products, with the ultimate goal of achieving the control and management of diseases that affect the national citrus industry.Initially acting in the citrus scenario, our results already demonstrate that the use of NAC for the management of CVC can recover the fruit of a diseased plant, and in the citrus canker can be an alternative to copper, not causing resistance to bacteria and neither attacking the environment. In the healthy plant tends to increase the production and potentiate the development of the seedlings. The application of products containing NAC in agriculture is innovative. These products (NACsolution and NACagri) act as regenerators of oxidative stress in the plant, improving overall the response to diseases. Moreover, the diseases for which its application is being proposed are unresolved diseases available to producers, resulting in great losses in the citrus crops.Today CiaCamp counts with the collaboration of the Instituto Agronômico (IAC), Campinas, in which it is licensing the company CiaCamp, the technology of use of the NAC in the control of plant diseases. IAC also provides us with the availability of equipment and laboratories. In addition to the IAC, CiaCamp today has two strong supports that influence the credibility of its products, the Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo - Fapesp and the Centro de Citricultura 'Sylvio Moreira' - IAC.
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