Media Production - Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Independent community based film distribution. Experiment risk free sustainable distribution models on world cinema. We design and enable paths between films with stakes and their audiences. We surprise, shock and empower communities. Our mission is to navigate through the sea of content with reliable taste, creative preparedness and transparent business model. Scope 50 set off to rethink the acquisition and release processes of independent European films, to educate and stimulate future audiences, to simplify licensing and to discover slick navigation techniques. In 2015, Scope 100 oversaw a hundred arthouse aficianados discussing 10 films' domestic horizons and vote for one to be subsequently released theatrically. They also become ambassadors for the selected film, Out of Nature in 2015 and Sparrows in 2016. With Creative Europe's support the initiative paves the way between filmmakers and audience towards a legal and sustainable, yet simple and flexible digital content market. CinefilCo develops Scope100 in collaboration with Aerofilms (Czech Republic), Stadtkino (Austria), Imagine (Belgium), Arthaus (Norway), Soda Pictures (UK) and Gutek Film (Poland). A magyarhangya Európában elsőként fogalmazta meg törekvéseit a közösség alapú filmforgalmazás kidolgozására. Egy független, fenntartható modellel kívánjuk a kultúra terjesztését új alapokra helyezni. Alulról szerveződve, mozgalomként szólítjuk meg a fiatal generációt országszerte. Aktív szereplőként vonjuk be korosztályunkat az igényes, tartalmas kulturális vérkeringésbe.
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