Banking - Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
CITIUS INDIA NIDHI LIMITED also known as CINL an NBFC is set-up under rules & regulations made by RBI and licensed by MCA, Govt. of India under Company's Act'2013. This is a Quasi Bank and has the Rules and Objectives which are similar to a Bank. We provide all the banking services to the members from all class. This is also a model of Mutually Aided Benefit to all its members (customers parse). So the term is a quasi-bank, the members can avail all the Banking Services like Savings Accounts, Fixed Deposits, Recurring Deposits, Lockers, Gold Loans, Mortgage Loans, Business Loans, Group Loan and other kind of secured Loans from our NIDHI Company. They can also avail regular transactional services like NEFT/RTGS and Micro ATM Services.
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