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TxT2Look Inc. (DBA Citrus Mobile Solutions) is a Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada based software development company specializing in all things mobile. Over the past 5 years, the company has built and deployed a number of its own SaaS based solutions and platforms across Canada and the US including - SMS Mobile Marketing for SMBs and - Real Estate Mobile Solutions. Additionally, the company has built and powered several other solutions and platforms for others utilizing SMS and offshoots of this technology (SMS shortcodes, SMS longcodes, MMS, LBS and IVR). The company has also launched and powered a number of SMS Mobile Marketing campaigns for clients large and small, both locally and nationally for various promotions such as TxT2Win, Mobile Coupons, Text Voting and Info on Demand. SMS services via shortcodes is our primary strength and focus as we operate 2 shortcodes in Canada and 1 in the US. It is an area we excel in.
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