Health, Wellness & Fitness - Yarrabilba, Queensland, Australia
City Cave Float & Wellness Centre is driven by increasing longevity in our community. Adding quality years back to your life. Through a tailored health journey to suit a path for total well-being. City Cave provides a unique approach to wellness, combining holistic and clinical services to achieve ones optimal health.City Cave embraces an holistic approach to health and wellness. City Cave offers a wide variety of allied health practitioners such as floatation therapy, clinical nutrition, massage therapy, infrared sauna, and musculoskeletal therapy, just to name a few. The central goal of City Cave is to offer a one-stop-shop for clients to come and receive various forms of treatment for their needs. Cross-referring clients within City Cave centres means that the client's time is valued and they are able to minimise time between sessions with different health professionals.We believe that City Cave offers a safe space for clients to arrive, take a breath, and begin their journey in the pursuit of a healthier way of living.What is floating therapy?Floatation Therapy is a way of achieving deep relaxation by spending an hour or more lying quietly in darkness, suspended in a warm solution of Epsom salt. Float tanks are also known as isolation tanks, sensory deprivation tanks & REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy) chambers.