Civic & Social Organization - Bishkek, Chuy Province, Kyrgyzstan
Civil Initiative on Internet Policy (CIIP) is a non-governmental organization founded in 2001 by legal experts in ICT sector and technical experts. The core of the CIIP activity is to facilitate ICT and Internet policy formulation through promotion of a decentralized, transparent Internet regulation and stimulating participation of civil society in policy making process. Our mission is to stimulate regulatory and legislative reforms in ICT policy, which ensure transparent legislative base, fair competition, and free access of citizens to telecommunication services and information resources. According to our vision, the presence of several competitive key players in ICT sector and free-of-regulation Internet should enable economic development and freedom of expression in Kyrgyzstan. Shortly speaking, we stand for liberalization and distribution of information technology and Internet in the country. The CIIP is leaded by Tattu Mambetalieva. Partnership established with representatives among governmental bodies, public organizations, educational institutions, enterpreneurs, and international organizations, which also actively work for the development of Internet and information technologies in Kyrgyzstan. The donors of the CIIP projects are USAID, OSCE, UNDP, Google, NED, NESsT, US Department of State, EU Commission, InfoDev, Hivos, and others.
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