- Decatur, Georgia, US
Claratel Behavioral Health is an innovative, community-based behavioral health and developmental disabilities services organization located in Atlanta, Georgia. We offer a full range of mental health services, developmental disabilities programs, and substance use disorder services to underserved individuals serving over 10,000 clients annually. As a public, not-for-profit organization, the Claratel Behavioral Health operates more than 20 locations in DeKalb County with an annual budget of $31M and a diverse workforce of 500+ direct-care and support staff. Our staff of physicians, nurses, clinicians and support personnel is dedicated to helping our clients and their families recover from these debilitating disabilities and resume productive lives. We strive to provide the highest quality, evidence-based services in the least restrictive settings and we envision a community in which disabilities no longer limit potential. Claratel Behavioral Health is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF).