Consumer Services - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Clean and Serene provides professional and efficient cleaning service in the Greater Ottawa area as well as outside townships. We pride ourselves on our professionalism, customer relations, and providing compassionate, reliable and trusted care to all of our clients. Are clients range from the every day working citizen, small business owners who specialize in construction, building industry or specialty trades that align with interior of homes. We work with businesses that occupy commercial space or food within the food services industry, hospitality, Air BnB's, and assist realtors or home buyers in the selling processes of their homes. We also pride ourselves on providing limited respite care specific to housekeeping and day to day care for elderly or those who are incapacitated, this also includes the single parent where times is stretched too thin. This service including washing dishes, laundry, replacing bedding, and purchasing food for our clients. We provide services based on a sliding scale system as we understand that cleaning can be unattainable for some and do our best in providing equal opportunity, with excellent results and compassionate staff. Our mission statement, is "Offering Peace of Mind". Let us do that for you!