Facilities Services - Rocklin, California, United States
We are here for quality and prevention in your GMP facility. CleanState California, LLC is a business that focuses on GMP facility compliance services for all ISO/FS209E classes. Precisely, we maintain the required cleanliness for appropriate product manufacturing, so lab personnel can enter every day and do what they need to do with an ultra low risk(bio-burden) of product contamination. CleanState will be adding biosafety cabinet certification and VHP decontamination services in by the end of 2021(planned). This will fast track certification and keep our client's mission critical equipment up and running with services available on demand. The plan is to give clients who elect routine decon services priority in BSC services, and in turn, take advantage of discounted fees for those services. Mainly, the basis of our mission is to help our clients succeed in every way we can. Our focus and expertise is in the biologic and biopharma manufacturing industry. We are striving to become a premier provider in GMP facility services on the west coast, and the only company that focuses on GMP services for these industries.Most business is conducted with the partnership and counsel of professor Gerhard Bauer of UC Davis Institute For Regenerative Cures. Together, we are committed to providing the best services and solutions for all of our clients, as our client's success is our top priority.
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