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Clear Alpha is a London-based research and asset management company that specializes in Trading Strategy Indices. It offers advisory and asset management services and currently manages an Ireland domiciled alternative UCITS Fund, Clear Alpha Trading Strategies Fund, with $50 million in assets and investing exclusively in Trading Strategy Indices. The company also advises a sovereign wealth fund for a similar strategy.Through its comprehensive database of approximately 2000 different Trading Strategy Indices, Clear Alpha has built a unique and in-depth knowledge of the industry. It has created and publishes several benchmark indices to measure and compare performances within this asset class.Clear Alpha is independent from the financial institutions sponsoring and distributing Trading Strategy Indices, enabling it to offer un-biased research to investors.Clear Alpha is based in London a 1 Grosvenor Crescent, SW1X 7EF, United Kingdom. T. +44 (0)20 3178 4795.Clear Alpha is authorised an regulated by the Financial Services Authority.