Research - Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
The Centre for Learning on Evaluation and Results, Anglophone Africa (CLEAR-AA) is one of six regionalcentres that are housed in academic institutions around the Globe with a remit to support the development of local demand for and practice of evaluation. CLEAR AA is situated in the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa.CLEAR-AA is a response to an increased demand from government (inclusive of parliamentarians) and civilsociety for practical and applied Evaluation Capacity Development (ECD) weighed against the limitedavailability of relevant services in the region. With the aim of expanding and strengthening Monitoring andEvaluation and Performance Management capacity across the Anglophone region, CLEAR-AA developsand provides high-quality, applied, cost effective capacity building programmes, and connects with globallearning to produce innovative materials and methods to enable practical knowledge-sharing, disseminatedthrough its regional networks, such as the South African Evaluation Association, Twende Mbele and theAfrican Parliamentary Network for Development Evaluation.