College/University - Cleveland, OH, US
The Cleveland Dental Institute is a unique combination of private dental practices built around graduate residency programs in General Practice Residency and Advanced General Dentistry. Moreover, we oversee CDI Academy which includes a calendar of extensive master-level continuing education courses which are international in scope and open to the dental community. Further, CDI Academy courses give the opportunity for participants to sit in on lectures and participate in hands on training. There are a multitude of stand-alone courses encompassing various topics; in addition to an Implant Continuum series which consists of six modules of coursework, hands-on workshops and live surgery.Understanding that dental care today is not accessible to a wide range of patients due to the absence of employer-based insurance plans, the CDI mission revolves around community outreach to those populations of all income levels needing dental care. With this mission in mind, our trustees continue to expand the number of CDI practices throughout the country--as well as the expansion of our residency programs into Pedodontics and the opening of a dental assisting school in fall 2018.In short, The Cleveland Dental Institute is an ever-growing and ever-improving Dental Trust seeking the highest qualified doctors to administer the highest level of education and care.